"A Shamanic Walk with the Pleiades"
Ceremony with Jeffery Grundtner, Marilyn Larson and Fannella Collins
The astrological alignments on September 22nd, 2024, 4:44am represent a unique opportunity in our lifetimes to initiate profound positive change. We will ceremonially connect with the magic between Earth and Sky to attune and align with these energies for the Highest Good, Within and Without.
Every 18.6 years the Moon is out of bounds enough to pass directly in front of the Pleiades. This will occur in the pre-dawn skies on the Equinox, September 22nd, 2024, and will be visible to us! Lunar energies represent embodiment/ensoulment, emotions, habits, the subconscious mind, and instinct. These occasions allow us to bring Pleiadian frequencies deeper into our lives. Unique to this moment is that it is conjunct the planet of revolutionary change and freedom, Uranus, and in flowing constructive relationship with the planet of evolutionary transformation, Pluto, which are both in flowing aspect to the Sun near the Equinox point, which is drawing on the planet of vision and the ideals of universal love, Neptune; all are in the last degrees of Earth signs. We will be ceremonially planting seeds! Informed by the Pleiades, our revolutionary ideas of earth-based values, supported by the breakdown of Old Paradigm structures, are seeding a new way of creating a Temple of Life that reflects Universal Love! This energy is another powerful steppingstone into the Aquarian Age and will not be repeated like this for an exceptionally long time, if ever!
Information about this energy and the setup of the ceremonial space will take place beforehand in our Workshop titled "Ceremonial Magic with Earth and Sky and the Role of Labyrinths." Attendance of this Workshop is strongly recommended to get the greatest benefit and to understand the ceremony. Ceremony is primarily experiential and will be done almost entirely in silence under the moonlit sky as it passes through the Pleiades.
The ceremonial space will be enclosed by a circle of planetary symbols aligned with their actual location in the sky at that moment. Inside this space will be laid out a Labyrinth of sacred geometry that is known as the "Walk of the Pleiades." Participants may bring a personal sacred object to add to the altar. We'll officially open the ceremony at 4:44 a.m. with a group grounding meditation. Under clear skies, I will offer a brief star teaching including pointing out the Lakota Sacred Hoop of stars. Participants will be able to offer a tobacco prayer as they wish. We will then be free to remove shoes and walk The Labyrinth(s) in silent meditation as the moon, the Pleiades, and Uranus culminate high in the sky. After a time of experiential connection, there will be a signal to shift to more open participation in the energy that may include singing, healing sounds or drumming, retreating to one's own space or small group discussions. The labyrinths will remain available until dawn. Sunrise is at 7:22 a.m. and the exact time of equinox is 8:44 a.m.
A Shamanic Walk with the Pleiades
The astrological alignments on September 22nd, 2024, represent a unique opportunity in our lifetimes to initiate profound positive change. We will ceremonially connect with the magic between Earth and Sky to attune and align with these energies for the Highest Good, Within and Without.
Every 18.6 years the Moon is out of bounds enough to pass directly in front of the Pleiades. This will occur in the pre-dawn skies on the Equinox, September 22nd, 2024, and will be visible to us! Lunar energies represent embodiment/ensoulment, emotions, habits, the subconscious mind, and instinct. These occasions allow us to bring Pleiadian frequencies deeper into our lives. Unique to this moment is that it is conjunct the planet of revolutionary change and freedom, Uranus, and in flowing constructive relationship with the planet of evolutionary transformation, Pluto, which are both in flowing aspect to the Sun near the Equinox point, which is drawing on the planet of vision and the ideals of universal love, Neptune; all are in the last degrees of Earth signs. We will be ceremonially planting seeds! Informed by the Pleiades, our revolutionary ideas of earth-based values, supported by the breakdown of Old Paradigm structures, are seeding a new way of creating a Temple of Life that reflects Universal Love! This energy is another powerful steppingstone into the Aquarian Age and will not be repeated like this for an exceptionally long time, if ever!
Information about this energy and the setup of the ceremonial space will take place beforehand in our Workshop titled "Ceremonial Magic with Earth and Sky and the Role of Labyrinths." Attendance of this Workshop is strongly recommended to get the greatest benefit and to understand the ceremony. Ceremony is primarily experiential and will be done almost entirely in silence under the moonlit sky as it passes through the Pleiades.
The ceremonial space will be enclosed by a circle of planetary symbols aligned with their actual location in the sky at that moment. Inside this space will be laid out a Labyrinth of sacred geometry that is known as the "Walk of the Pleiades." Participants may bring a personal sacred object to add to the altar. We'll officially open the ceremony at 4:44 a.m. with a group grounding meditation. Under clear skies, I will offer a brief star teaching including pointing out the Lakota Sacred Hoop of stars. Participants will be able to offer a tobacco prayer as they wish. We will then be free to remove shoes and walk The Labyrinth(s) in silent meditation as the moon, the Pleiades, and Uranus culminate high in the sky. After a time of experiential connection, there will be a signal to shift to more open participation in the energy that may include singing, healing sounds or drumming, retreating to one's own space or small group discussions. The labyrinths will remain available until dawn. Sunrise is at 7:22 a.m. and the exact time of equinox is 8:44 a.m.