Grandmother Rachael Page, has lived experiences as an Indigenous Traditional Practitioner, derived from her whakapapa of Tainui, Maniapoto, where her grandparents, as well as a long line of ancestors were traditional healers of Rongoā Māori-tangata, to their whanau, and hāpu of Aotea, Ngati Wai, Tainui and Ngapuhi tribual connections.
Rachael’s whakapapa (geneolodgy) is linked to one of the oldest matriarchal tribes of Aotearoa (New Zealand), whose ancestors travelled home to Hawaiki Nui, (New Zealand), from Peru South America, known as the feathered Serpent people, this is before the great migration of our Pacific ancestors.
Rachael was born with the sight to see and communicate with spirit, which Rachael has developed over the years, an excellent balance integrating both the unseen world with the seen world, within a three dimensional based world.
The focus of her work is to support humanity, increasing the planetry vibration for the purpose to lift humanity to a higher vibrational freqeuntcy, as well as dimensional level, to remember who they are, as being both terrestrial and celestial beings, with a purpose to fill the contract of why we are here at this time, the symbiotic relationship we have with Papatuanuku (mother earth). Our connection with the whole, in terms of the universal network of other spiritual enegeries that we have relationships with, in addition to the dimensional collectiveness of the embodiment of the prime creator.
Rachael was 6 years old, when she first had contact with her Star Family of the Intergalactic Federation of the Golden Ray, of our 12 dimensional future, since then she has always been updated in terms of the Universal network on a multi-dimensional scale and the relationship we have as a partnership.
Kapi Adams, a traditional Maori Tohunga of wairua tapu, awoken the ancient codes of Iho to Aotea, Great Barrier Island, where Rachael was re-awoken to carry on
Te Ao Māori, Tipuna Whare Wairua Tapu of our Ancient Tipuna, Ko Takurua (Sirius), Matariki (Pleiadies), DNA Blue Prints of Stargate Mechanics, for the purpose of cleansing land, handed down to her by her Tīpuna of Te Whetu Marama, Lyra.
Rachael is known as an Indigenous Traditional Practitioner of Rongoa in terms of natural medicine and Matakite, where she has taken her role as Matakite (seer and communicator within the unseen worlds), into many places within Aotearoa, as well as other countries, with the purpose of cleansing and regenerating land, making way for the shift into higher planetry vibrations with the support of our orginal builders from the stars.
Rachael has shared her knowledge of Rongoa as a consultant at Whare Oranga Mangere with Sonny and Nora Kesh. Where she spent time developing and sharing her skills of natural medicine, understanding the relationship of cause and effect. Rachael is currently a private Practitioner for her own family and friends.
Rachael’s knowledge of Rongoa works on a systematic approach, which is a general systems paradigm: everything’s connected.
Rongoa is a medium used to service not only the human world, yet the other worlds associated to Papatuanuku ( Mother Earth),we are all connected, there is no separation what so ever, we are “rivers deep and mountains high, valleys wide” ,systems within systems…. We are all indigenous to Papatuanuku.
Rachael has facilitated many workshops in support of peoples awakening into higher consciousness.
On a third dimensional level, Rachael has worked in the Social Services for the past 20 years as a youthworker, Cultural Advisor/Social Worker, Cultural Therapist, specialising in Family Therapy, Whakawhanake Whanau – Family Resource Specialist, working within the Care & Therapy Programme of the organisation Rachael works for, supporting and advising staff in Maori Cultural Practices, providing support for young people across Aotearoa who have been placed in Care and Protection, in addition, youth Justice services, under the New Zealand Youth Court system, under the New Zealand government Social Development portfolio. Rachael, implementing Maori Cultural Frame Works and Practices, with the young people at the centre of focus within the frame work development, to enhance the wellbeing, of the young people and their families, in conjunction of the Treaty of Waitangi, in terms of partnership, protection and participation.
Rachael has worked for the Ministry of Education as a Maori Teacher and Art Teacher– which was a school that was developed to accommodate children of high need support, supporting young people nationally across Aotearoa, New Zealand.